ACI APIC & Node – MOQuery / API Format Examples
A collection of examples for moquery, native REST API calls and other random commands. Little unstructured (sorry), at some point I will move to separate pages.
CLI - show system internal [epm|eltm|ethpm] epm: Endpoints eltm: VRF/VLAN configuration ethpm: Interfaces
REST API Examples https://{{url}}/api/node/class/eventRecord.json?order-by=eventRecord.created|desc&page=0&page-size=100&query-target-filter=and(gt(eventRecord.created, "2018-06-19")) https://{{url}}/api/class/fvRsPathAtt.json?query-target-filter=wcard(fvRsPathAtt.encap, "1.4.") https://{{url}}/api/class/fvRsPathAtt.json?query-target-filter=wcard(fvRsPathAtt.encap, "[2-3]4.[7-8]") /api/class/fvAEPg.json?rsp-subtree=children&query-target=subtree&query-target-filter=eq(fvRsPathAtt.encap, "vlan-1971")&target-subtree-class=fvAEPg https://{{url}}/api/class/fvAEPg.json?query-target-filter=or(wcard(fvAEPg.dn,"tn-TEN_INT"),wcard(fvAEPg.dn,"tn-TEN_SHARED")) Running Firmware https://apic-ip-address/api/class/firmwareCtrlrFwStatusCont.json? query-target=subtree&target-subtree-class=firmwareCtrlrRunning
def query_class(self, mo_class, query_target_filter=""):
# template
query = {
"description" : "",
# path (mo/uni/tn-TEN_INT/ap- ..) OR (class/fvTenant)
"path": "class/{0}".format(mo_class),
"filter": {
# Define the scope of a query - {self | children | subtree}
"query-target" : "",
# Respond-only elements including the specified class - 'class name'
"target-subtree-class" : "",
# Respond-only elements matching conditions - filter expressions
####"query-target-filter" : "or(wcard(fvAEPg.dn, 'tn-TEN_INT'), wcard(fvAEPg.dn, 'tn-TEN_SHARED'))",
"query-target-filter" : query_target_filter,
# Specifies child object level included in the response - {no | children | full}
"rsp-subtree" : "", # "children",
# Respond only specified classes - 'class name'
"rsp-subtree-class" : "", # "fvAEPg,fvRsPathAtt,fvRsDomAtt",
# Respond only classes matching conditions - filter expressions
"rsp-subtree-filter" : "",
# Request additional objects -{faults | health :stats :…}
"rsp-subtree-include" : "",
# Sort the response based on the property values - | {asc | desc}
"order-by" : ""
# query
response = self.apic.get(query)
return response['imdata']
Find the active APIC for VMM Communication cat debug/div-apic-01-001/vmmmgr/comp/prov-VMware/ctrlr-[DVS_ACI_dvSwitch1]-OTN_VC/info/mo Python Regex Search (Match All) EPG name from DN'epg-(.+?)(?=\/)', "uni/tn-TEN_INT/ap-AP_HOSTING/epg-EPG_VMOTION/rspathAtt-[topology/pod-2/paths-504/pathep-[eth1/1]]").group(1) ISIS Adjacency Changes fabric xxxx show isis adjacency detail vrf overlay-1
MOQuery Queries Query Filter Types wcard = * or . target-subtree-class=fvAEPg,fvRsPathAtt query-target-filter=eq("fvRsPathAtt.encap", "vlan-1971") query-target=subtree&target-subtree-class=firmwareCtrlrRunning User Query (User Delete Action) moquery -c aaaModLR -f 'aaa.ModLR.user=="XXXXX" and aaa.ModLR.ind=="deletion"' | grep descr User Query (User Actions on Date) moquery -c aaaModLR -x 'query-target-filter=wcard(aaaModLR.created,"2016-02-22")' | egrep "user" Bridge Domain Multicast addresses moquery -c fvBD | grep 'name|bcastP' Get Static Paths using mo filter to return full object moquery -c fvRsPathAtt -f 'fv.RsPathAtt.encap=="vlan-23"' Get the dn of the path for a switchport & switch moquery -c fvAPathAtt | grep dn | grep 'eth1/47' | grep 202 moquery -c fvStPathAtt | grep dn | grep 'eth1/47' | grep 202 moquery -c fvDyPathAtt | grep dn | grep 'eth1/47' | grep 202 If the object names are prefixed - i.e. with EPG_ show vlan ext | grep Eth1/47 | grep EPG_ Find the BD an APP uses. moquery -c fvBD -x rsp-subtree=children query-target=subtree -f 'fv.RtBd.tDn=="uni/tn-TEN_ONE/ap-APP_ONE/epg-EPG-V123"' Get all subnets of a BD with ip and dn filter moquery -c fvBD -x rsp-subtree=children query-target=subtree target-subtree-class=fvSubnet,fvRtBd | egrep '^ip|^dn' Get the endpoint ip, mac, TEN, APP, EPG, VLAN moquery -c fvCEp -x rsp-subtree=full -f 'fv.CEp.mac=="00:00:5e:01:01:d8"' vsh_lc => show system internal epmc endpoint mac/ip show system internal epm endpoint mac|ip VLAN ID: PI-VLAN for EPG VLAN VNID: VNID for EPG(VPAN) BD VNID: VNID for BD VRF VNID: VNID for VRF Tunnel If & Interface: Interface this EP is learned on. sclass: (Class/pcTag) EPG ID Good References: Endpoint Retention Timers (Local EP) (vsh_lc): show system internal epmc endpoint interface ethernet 1/1 BD Endpoint Retention Policy: Local Endpoint Aging Interval (sec): Default 900 When 75% of timer passed, fabric will send 3x ARP requests to host to refresh entries. Requires Subnet IP Configured in BD if index : 0x1a000000 ::: name : Ethernet1/1 MAC : dca6.32a5.7d35 ::: Num IPs : 1 IP# 0 : Vlan id : 12 ::: Vlan vnid : 8192 ::: BD vnid : 15761386 Encap vlan : 802.1Q/200 VRF name : TEN_MAIN:VRF_MAIN ::: VRF vnid : 2555904 phy if : 0x1a000000 ::: tunnel if : 0 ::: Interface : Ethernet1/1 Ref count : 5 ::: sclass : 16386 Timestamp : 01/01/1970 01:16:32.020000 ::: Learns Src: EPM EP Flags : local|IP|MAC|sclass|timer| Aging: Timer-type : HT ::: Timeout-left : 58 ::: Hit-bit : Yes ::: Timer-reset count : 1 PD handles: [L2]: Hdl : 0xd206 ::: Hit: Yes [L3-0]: Hdl : 0xd20c ::: Hit: No ::: NH_ID : 0x80000006 ::: NH_Hdl : 0xd209 ::: FIB_ID : 0x0 ::: FIB_Hdl : 0x0 :::: Get a VMM VMWare Controller moquery -d /comp/prov-VMware/ctrlr-[DVS_ACI_dvSwitch1]-ABC_VC moquery -c infraPortBlk -f 'infra.PortBlk.dn*"INTP_LEAF_229"' moquery -c fvRsPathAtt -f 'fv.RsPathAtt.dn*"pathep-[eth1/1]"' | grep dn | grep -E "243|244" moquery -c fabricNode -x 'query-target-filter=eq(,"211")' Note: no spaces in the eq(..) or wcard(…), etc params block
BRIDGE DOMAIN moquery -c fvBD -f "\"BDname\"" EPG pcTag/sClass moquery -c fvAEPg -f 'fv.AEPg.pcTag=="xxxx"' VLAN (including PI [platform independant vlans]) show vlan extended show system internal eltmc info vlan brief ENDPOINT moquery -c fvCEp moquery -c fvCEp | grep x.x.x.x -A 10 -B 5 moquery -c fvCEp -f '"aa:bb:cc:dd:11:22:33:44"' moquery -c fvCEp -f 'fv.CEp.ip==""' moquery -c fvRsCEpToPathEp CONSUMED CONTRACT moquery -c vzBrCP PROVIDED CONTRACT moquery -c vzBrCP L3 OUT moquery -c l3extInstP moquery -c l3extDomP moquery -c actrl.PfxEntry moquery -c l3extSubnet FAULT moquery -c faultInst -f 'fault.Inst.code=="F0467"' moquery -c faultRecord -x order-by="faultRecord.created|desc" 'query-target-filter=wcard(faultRecord.created,"2017-12-1[2]")' >/home/admin/auditlog.txt TUNNEL INTERFACES moquery -c tunnelIf Infra VLAN ifconfig | grep bond0. TEP Pool moquery -c fabricSetupP | grep -E podId|tepPool" Multicast Pool moquery -c fvBD | grep -E "name|bcastP|dn" | grep -B 2 "infra"
Tunnel / Leaf Search =================================== acidiag fnvread / fnvreadex ID Pod ID Name Serial Number IP Address Role State LastUpdMsgId 103 1 leaf3 SAL10000003 leaf active 0 104 1 leaf4 SAL10000004 leaf active 0 For VPC Peer switches virtual address moquery -c vpcDom | egrep 'virtualIp|dn|#' show endpoint mac 0000.5555.2222 17/TK:VRF1 vxlan-15826915 0000.5555.2222 tunnel8 show interface tunnel 8 dst: [ip] (refer to acidiag fnvread | grep [ip]'