
FXO Ports

FXO Ports On IOS (BT Connected)

voice-port 0/0/1
no battery-reversal
cptone GB
timing sup-disconnect 85
connection plar opx 1390
impedance complex3
caller-id enable
caller-id alerting line-reversal
caller-id alerting dsp-pre-allocate

Provides connectivity to PSTN with BT. Inbound calls get forwarded to DN 1390 as PSTN over FXO/FXS does not provide DID (Called Number).

Simon Birtles

I have been in the IT sector for over 20 years with a primary focus on solutions around networking architecture & design in Data Center and WAN. I have held two CCIEs (#20221) for over 12 years with many retired certifications with Cisco and Microsoft. I have worked in demanding and critical sectors such as finance, insurance, health care and government providing solutions for architecture, design and problem analysis. I have been coding for as long as I can remember in C/C++ and Python (for most things nowadays). Locations that I work without additional paperwork (incl. post Brexit) are the UK and the EU including Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Belgium.