BLF Presence
For Directory Number Presence the Directory Number needs to be associated with the user via either;
- The End User Line Appearance Association for Presence setting
- Via the DN Line Appearance Users Associated with Line settings.
Both these settings perform the same function therefore only one method needs to be used. This allows the users Presence to be advertised to watchers. CUCM will advertise the presence status directly to IM&P using SIP PUBLISH.
With the use of Jabber and when the user is logged into Jabber as well as the DN on the phone, CUCM will send the BLF presence to the logged in Jabber client, the Jabber client will then inform IM&P of the user presence via XMPP/HTTP. CUCM does not advertise direct to IM&P in this situation.
BLF Presence Group & Subscribe CSS
Use subscribe CSSs to control the routing of a watcher presence-based SIP SUBSCRIBE message to the correct destinations.
CUCM Enterprise Parameter “BLF For Call Lists Required Field” needs to be changed from the default of disabled to enabled in order for CUCM connected phones to see the presence status of directory numbers in call history and directories.
IOS requires the presence presence call-list command to be enabled.
CUCM Processing
So CUCM looks at it this way.
- Does the watcher’s SCSS include the partition of the watchee ?
- No – Deny SUBSCRIBE request
- Yes – Is the watcher’s assigned BLF presence group allowed to ‘see’/access the watchee’s BLF presence group?
- No – Deny SUBSCRIBE request
- Yes – Allow SUBSCRIBE request
CUCM Summary
- First Level Authorisation: SCSS (Partitions
- Second Level Authorisation: BLF Presence Group)
- BLF Presence Group
- SUBSCRIBE Calling Search Space
- SIP Trunk Security Profile
- Accept presence subscription (TRUE)
- Accept unsolicited notification (TRUE) [not validated required as TRUE yet]
voice register dn 1
number 5002000
allow watch
name Doggie
label Doggie(BR3)
voice register pool 1
id mac ACA0.166F.2173
type 9971
number 1 dn 1
dtmf-relay sip-kpml
username Doggie password 1
no vad
blf-speed-dial 1 2001000 label “Simon(HQ)”
blf-speed-dial 2 3008101 label “Johnny(BR1)”
blf-speed-dial 3 3008100 label “Boggie(BR1)”
presence call-list
watcher all
allow subscribe
presence enable